
Art: Ji Zhang

There are great weapons throughout folk tales that defeat specific beasts, from Beowulf to the Jabberwock, weapons with a specific target are everywhere. This week for Magic Monday you can get Draketooth.

Weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement)

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This increases to a +2 bonus when used against drakes (this includes creatures such as guard drakes, liondrakes, and dragonnels, but not dragons).

Additionally, when a dragon targets you with an attack it must first make a Charisma saving throw (DC 12), on a failure the dragon must choose a new target or lose the attack. Once a dragon has succeeded on the saving throw it doesn’t need to make it again until the start of its next turn.

Flavour and Origin
This axe was once wielded by the famed dwarven drakeslayer Hrgus Drothgur. He built a reputation for a slayer of drakes, which quickly came due when desperate people hired him to kill a true dragon. His weapon was ineffective against the power of a true dragon and he died in the dragon’s fury. His story should be a cautionary tale for any new wielder.

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