Procedurally Generated Dungeons

A few days ago I was running a session for Unrolled Stories as the party explored a long forgotten metal refinery, that had since turned into a dungeon. Usually, when I'm planning a dungeon I take time to map the entire dungeon, each room, corridor, and floor arranged and planned. This time I took a … Continue reading Procedurally Generated Dungeons

5.5e “Everything You Need to Know” Key Points

The (not totally) new edition of D&D is a mere three months away, and with it comes a big honking reveal video from Crawford, Perkins, and Todd on their Youtube channel. If you haven't watched it I recommend you do because there will be more than I can cover here, but I want to raise … Continue reading 5.5e “Everything You Need to Know” Key Points

Frontstory – Developing Characters on the Fly

When we create our character for our next adventure we inevitably write a backstory for them. Ancestry, Background, and Class may define an initial premise, but the history of the character allows us to turn them into a fully realised person. For a lot of people writing that backstory is their favourite part of character … Continue reading Frontstory – Developing Characters on the Fly