Pelt of the Frost Bear

Cold weather is dangerous even to experienced adventurers, Frost Bear Pelts provide excellent protection for those looking to purchase it.

Frost Bears are deadly.

Pelt of the Frost Bear
Wondrous Item (cloak), rare (requires attunement)

This thick white and blue furred cloak is made from the hide of a frost bear, as it moves and shifts snowflakes fall from the cloak.

While attuned to this cloak you have resistance to cold damage. Additionally, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when in snowy terrain.

Flavour and Origin
In the frozen north there are many dangerous monsters, one of these is the Frost Bear, a great white ursine touched by the elemental magic of winter itself. Their pelts are highly prized for adventurers in the north for their natural protection and excellent camouflage, fetching a hefty price on the magic market if treated properly.

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